Laboratory Safety Manual


This Laboratory Safety Manual has been adopted from documents of various respected Institutions to fit ALFAISAL UNIVERSITY Campus. It provides guidance on the safe handling of hazardous substances and general laboratory safety practices.  

At Alfaisal it has been agreed for sake of safety on a broad Laboratory definition which includes, classical laboratory: biological, chemical, physical laboratories, computer, engineering, mechanical workshops where teaching and/or research is performed, Professional skills labs and the like.

Thus laboratory is defined as any location at which Research or Teaching is performed using reagents or instruments/equipment thus posing a potential hazard to humans.

Obviously the risks will be different in the different labs and counselling, inspections and training will focus on what is more relevant in the specific settings.

A current version of the Laboratory Safety Manual is to be available in eachResearch and Instructional Laboratory, and Laboratory personnel must be familiar with the contents of this Manual and related safety Manuals. Knowledge of this material must be documented by a signed form (Annex 3). 

Emergency Contact Information

Each laboratory must post emergency contact information near the laboratory exit.

Safety Officer at 8905; 

and the

Facility Dept Person: Mr. Mousa AlMalki. 

Office ex: 7853  Mobile:0554499011